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Watch TV Ads and special videos about Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
6" Real Feel Godzilla Turnaround
6" Real Feel Kong Turnaround
6" Drownviper Turnaround
6" One-Eye w/ Bone Truncheon Turnaround
11" Giant Roll N' Battle Kong
13" Mega Heat Ray Godzilla and Mega Punching Kong
13" Mega Heat Ray Godzilla
13" Mega Heat Ray Godzilla Turnaround
13" Mega Heat Ray Godzilla Instructional Video
13" Mega Punching Kong
13" Mega Punching Kong Turnaround
13" Mega Punching Kong Instructional Video
7" Battle Roar Shimo
Godzilla x Kong Basic Figures 30 sec. Ad
Godzilla x Kong Basic Figures 15 sec. Ad
Basic 6" Godzilla Evolved Figure Turnaround
Basic 6" Kong w/ B.E.A.S.T. Glove Turnaround
Basic 6" Original Godzilla Turnaround
Basic 6" Shimo Turnaround
Basic 6" Skar King Turnaround
Basic 6" Suko w/ Titanus Doug Turnaround
Giant 11" Godzilla Evolved Turnaround
Giant 11" Kong Turnaround
Giant 11" Skar King Turnaround
Godzilla x Kong Deluxe Figures Ad
Titan Evolution Godzilla Instructional Video
Titan Evolution Godzilla Turnaround
Battle Roar Godzilla Instructional Video
Battle Roar Godzilla Turnaround
Battle Roar Kong Instructional Video
Battle Roar Kong Turnaround
Battle Roar Skar King Instructional Video
Battle Roar Skar King Turnaround